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Maidstone Kung Fu, martial arts school, martial arts classes, learn chinese kung fu, kung fu lessons, kung fu for kids
I am very specialised in my contemporary occupation. I backed out of organizational and academic constitutions and pass on my expert knowledge to experienced teachers and practitioners in the context of non-organizational workshops. And so the WT-Masters-Academy understands itself mainly as an independent institution and help for organizational and academic directors. Of course enthusiasts with less experience are always welcome too. Everybody who is ready to work on himself can succeed with very little previous knowledge.
A lot of Wing Tsun-teachers are frustrated and have the feeling to mark time, to not being able to exercise this art or to be thwarted by their teachers.
Some are even training for 15 or 20 Years WT/WC and still aren’t masters. There is something wrong here!
At this point the WT-Masters-Academy comes into play!
It’s more than just a mere alternative to the big organizations, because it contains what most Wing Tsun-enthusiasts can only dream about:
- The option on real development with real exercisable Wing Tsun.
- Secret-free procurance of the system on a high level
- Fair and affordable terms without any hidden costs or contract obligations.
- First hand learning with an experienced master of his profession.
- The complete system’s exploitation within a short period of time.
In the Masters-Academy we handle the valuable lifetime of our participants with respect and care. This means that we want to show every participant the fastest and most efficient way to reach his goals. Here an important basic principle is that it is reasonable to get to know the whole system, instead of getting lost in details for decades without having an overview.
Only the one who knows where the journey leads to, is learning in real terms and can draw information out of all areas, which he did get to know already. This is logical, because all areas influence each another and work together as one.
We will indicate each participant’s mistakes to increase his improvement – this is what I understand as active transfer of knowledge. The traditional, rather passive way of teaching, which is based on secrets can’t do that.
There is a big difference between the pure procurance, the understanding and realization of coherences and the perfect mastery of a martial art. The latter takes years, the former is possible within a short period of time and is the condition for effective learning.
The WT-MASTERS-ACADEMIES concept is concentrating on the procurance of the main success factors, which lead to fast success:
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 1: Overview before fine-tuning
Behind this is the realisation that Wing Tsun can be learned faster and more effective, if you get an overview of all areas, understand and document it. After that it is time for the fine-tuning, when you go home and retrain and reinforce what you learned.
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 2: Learning first-hand from a master
The fact that only a master can help you become one and that only this one can appreciate the substance of the system with his experience and procure it which a couple of practical examples is easily understood.
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 3: Active instead of passive procurance
At every workshop we are choosing ACTIVE procurance. This means that every participant is going to be informed actively about his mistakes and about how he can improve.
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 4: Video recording and DVD-Documentation
Recordings and documentations of the complete taught content are unusual in WT. They help your being more independent from the teacher, because you can watch all impressions and contents at home again and again.
Together these factors make the big difference and bring you to a never known level. Within a few years after the workshop – study and will assumed – you can be one of the industry’s best!
The real WT-MASTERS-ACADEMY GM BOOTCAMP-workshop teaches within the first 10 days:
- the complete unarmed Wing Tsun-System
- after that the weapons of the system (Double Knives and Longpole) within 4 days.
Main goal is the understanding of coherences, as well as the capture and documentation of the contents. Every participant is going to receive DVDs with the contens of the workshop. This allows him to reinforce what he has learned step by step later at home. The unarmed part of the WING TSUN-Systems is divided into 20 sections:
It looks like this:
Within the first 10 days the complete unarmed part of the WT-System will be taught, in the following 4 days the armed part (Double Knives and Longpole).
With this first procurance and the DVD-documentation, which every participant is going to receive, every attendant can retrain and reinforce at home.
LONDON I 93b King Street I Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1BG:
19.-20. March I 2.-3. April I 15.-16. October
Time: saturday 10.30 - 17.30, sunday 10.30 - 16.30 h
LONDON I 93b King Street I Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1BG:
4.-17. April I 17.-30. October
Time: daily 10.30-18.30 h
VILLINGEN-SCHWENNINGEN I Weiherstraße 84 I 78050 VS-Villingen:
21.-22. May I19.-20. November
Time: saturday 10.30 - 17.30, sunday 10.30 - 16.30 h
Weiherstraße 84 I 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen:
23. May - 5. June I 21. November - 4. December
Time: daily 10.30-18.30 h
Through his intensive research and overall examination of the different directions of the Wing Tsun-System, Sifu Martin Dragos learned early about the disadvantages of the WT-System.
In his opinion the system’s depletion with each generation of students and teachers is the effect of lost information because of closure compared to new things, a misunderstood conservation of tradition and the foundation of a secret cult. The thought of commerce and the fight for market share, which affect the tradepicture until now, make it even more difficult, so the exchange of experiences has almost stopped. The “master’s” greed and vanity lead to the system’s “extinction” - it falls into oblivion.
The WT-Masters-Academy-Philosophy’s core is easily summarized in a few words: exchange, transparency, constant learning and consistent self-improvement. A teacher who is not brave enough to change outdated against better knowledge, to share his experiences with others and to take responsibility for the one’s who trust him, is acting short-sighted, selfish and is bilking himself and others of their progress. In other words: Tradition does not mean to adore the ashes but to keep the fire alive!
DRAGOS WING TSUN® (DWT) is an advancement of the martial art “Wing Tsun” (Leung Ting-System) based on the concepts of Sifu Martin Dragos. Out of his experiences Sifu Martin Dragos developed his own system in the last seven years, which continues the strengths, compensates the weaknesses and integrates forgotten knowledge.
Through the transfer of the stridework and the WT-weapons’ conception to the unarmed WT-System it was possible to replace the lost knowledge with a consistent and coherent taxonomy, which is a central theme for the whole system. This step included didactic and fightmethodical appendages, the use of physical laws, as well as the regard kinetic-motor necessities in the handling of forces and the accomplishment of extremal values. The result is an extraordinary effective WT, which is even impressing the trade’s best. DWT is considered as the secret trend-setter for functional WT and is copied and imitated thousandfold – especially by descendants and representatives of the LT-Line.
But somebody who is only learning from publications or second hand is not having any access to the DWT-systems’s nuances and subtleties. For that it’s necessary to have a qualified teacher.
It’s impossible to describe a complex martial art with mere words, which is the reason of the following mention: only the living impression is representative. Because of that we recommend the visit of one of our weekend-workshops, where we can go into all theoretical and hands-on aspects of WT.
Here are the most important characteristics of DRAGOS WING TSUN® to give a few first clues:
• There is a 3-level-model for the simultaneous protection of torso and legs. So the technical-reactive differentiation of the relations “High/Low” is inapplicable. Compared to the so called “6-field-model” it saves 50% of the previous response time, because there is only a decision about Left/Right rather Inside/Outside necessary.
• Use of the principle of the inside- and outsidecontrol for all the fight’s distances and phases.
• There is no “general solution”, because a flexible system gets it’s energy from adjustments rather than surrender to possibilities and needs of a fighting-situation. Instead there is a distinction between offensive-, defensive- and emergency solutionconcepts. The masterplan of these three modes with their particular body action for structual support of the current function is described in the so called “DWT-Fighttaxonomy”. All the modes are connected directly in a logical combination.
• The realization of WT has a mechanical character. The functions base on elastic, but pressure and tensile strength movement elements, whereas it’s well-defined, which situations and circumstances require or develop the respective element characteristics. Knowing exactly what to do in every moment of the fight has highest priority.
• It exists a strategic 4-Step-Model in combat action according to the following basicschema:
1. Weakening/prevention of opposing first strike or anticipation access
2. Isolation or captivation
3. Breakage of the “Centerline”
4. Dynamic/”pending control” with final strike
• No second chance for the opponent: a dynamic connection is created after the first contact with use of bridgeconceptions, as a result
of this the opponent is not able to use his weapons anymore and he is permanently being controlled in the course of the fight.
• Benefit of own strengths / attention to handedness.
• No mere trust to speed or structual advantages for example like simultaneity. Instead implied protection from following attacks into the own actions.
• Energetic reflection of opposing actions to neutralize and bate the opponents offensive plans.
• Benefit of “Reborn-Power-Principle” for in- and “decrease in speed”
• Accomodating is usually a result from stridewok, which stands out due to the fact that no more decisions need to be made. Avoiding of mixing-up “softness” and “weakness”
• Procurement of the three basic kicks and the resulting eight possibilities to kick from the beginning on
• Differentiation between the three kinds of collision situations with the respective automatic reactions
• Development of the structural core capability, which makes WT a system and so it makes automatism possible. And with that the capability to reduce all the decisions to just one single thought
• Integration of the steps from the armed system to the unarmed system.
Chief Instructor:
Sifu Martin Dragos
Phone: +49 1636873596
Seminar coordinator London:
Sifu Lee Jacobs
Phone:+44 7951018187
For questions and registration please use our CONTACT FORM or simply click on one of the
green "Join NOW FOR FREE"-Buttons above.
Sincerely Your
Sifu Martin Dragos
I am very specialised in my contemporary occupation. I backed out of organizational and academic constitutions and pass on my expert knowledge to experienced teachers and practitioners in the context of non-organizational workshops. And so the WT-Masters-Academy understands itself mainly as an independent institution and help for organizational and academic directors. Of course enthusiasts with less experience are always welcome too. Everybody who is ready to work on himself can succeed with very little previous knowledge.
A lot of Wing Tsun-teachers are frustrated and have the feeling to mark time, to not being able to exercise this art or to be thwarted by their teachers.
Some are even training for 15 or 20 Years WT/WC and still aren’t masters. There is something wrong here!
At this point the WT-Masters-Academy comes into play!
It’s more than just a mere alternative to the big organizations, because it contains what most Wing Tsun-enthusiasts can only dream about:
- The option on real development with real exercisable Wing Tsun.
- Secret-free procurance of the system on a high level
- Fair and affordable terms without any hidden costs or contract obligations.
- First hand learning with an experienced master of his profession.
- The complete system’s exploitation within a short period of time.
In the Masters-Academy we handle the valuable lifetime of our participants with respect and care. This means that we want to show every participant the fastest and most efficient way to reach his goals. Here an important basic principle is that it is reasonable to get to know the whole system, instead of getting lost in details for decades without having an overview.
Only the one who knows where the journey leads to, is learning in real terms and can draw information out of all areas, which he did get to know already. This is logical, because all areas influence each another and work together as one.
We will indicate each participant’s mistakes to increase his improvement – this is what I understand as active transfer of knowledge. The traditional, rather passive way of teaching, which is based on secrets can’t do that.
There is a big difference between the pure procurance, the understanding and realization of coherences and the perfect mastery of a martial art. The latter takes years, the former is possible within a short period of time and is the condition for effective learning.
The WT-MASTERS-ACADEMIES concept is concentrating on the procurance of the main success factors, which lead to fast success:
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 1: Overview before fine-tuning
Behind this is the realisation that Wing Tsun can be learned faster and more effective, if you get an overview of all areas, understand and document it. After that it is time for the fine-tuning, when you go home and retrain and reinforce what you learned.
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 2: Learning first-hand from a master
The fact that only a master can help you become one and that only this one can appreciate the substance of the system with his experience and procure it which a couple of practical examples is easily understood.
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 3: Active instead of passive procurance
At every workshop we are choosing ACTIVE procurance. This means that every participant is going to be informed actively about his mistakes and about how he can improve.
SUCCESS FACTOR No. 4: Video recording and DVD-Documentation
Recordings and documentations of the complete taught content are unusual in WT. They help your being more independent from the teacher, because you can watch all impressions and contents at home again and again.
Together these factors make the big difference and bring you to a never known level. Within a few years after the workshop – study and will assumed – you can be one of the industry’s best!
The real WT-MASTERS-ACADEMY GM BOOTCAMP-workshop teaches within the first 10 days:
- the complete unarmed Wing Tsun-System
- after that the weapons of the system (Double Knives and Longpole) within 4 days.
Main goal is the understanding of coherences, as well as the capture and documentation of the contents. Every participant is going to receive DVDs with the contens of the workshop. This allows him to reinforce what he has learned step by step later at home. The unarmed part of the WING TSUN-Systems is divided into 20 sections:
It looks like this:
Within the first 10 days the complete unarmed part of the WT-System will be taught, in the following 4 days the armed part (Double Knives and Longpole).
With this first procurance and the DVD-documentation, which every participant is going to receive, every attendant can retrain and reinforce at home.
LONDON I 93b King Street I Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1BG:
19.-20. March I 2.-3. April I 15.-16. October
Time: saturday 10.30 - 17.30, sunday 10.30 - 16.30 h
LONDON I 93b King Street I Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1BG:
4.-17. April I 17.-30. October
Time: daily 10.30-18.30 h
VILLINGEN-SCHWENNINGEN I Weiherstraße 84 I 78050 VS-Villingen:
21.-22. May I19.-20. November
Time: saturday 10.30 - 17.30, sunday 10.30 - 16.30 h
Weiherstraße 84 I 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen:
23. May - 5. June I 21. November - 4. December
Time: daily 10.30-18.30 h
Through his intensive research and overall examination of the different directions of the Wing Tsun-System, Sifu Martin Dragos learned early about the disadvantages of the WT-System.
In his opinion the system’s depletion with each generation of students and teachers is the effect of lost information because of closure compared to new things, a misunderstood conservation of tradition and the foundation of a secret cult. The thought of commerce and the fight for market share, which affect the tradepicture until now, make it even more difficult, so the exchange of experiences has almost stopped. The “master’s” greed and vanity lead to the system’s “extinction” - it falls into oblivion.
The WT-Masters-Academy-Philosophy’s core is easily summarized in a few words: exchange, transparency, constant learning and consistent self-improvement. A teacher who is not brave enough to change outdated against better knowledge, to share his experiences with others and to take responsibility for the one’s who trust him, is acting short-sighted, selfish and is bilking himself and others of their progress. In other words: Tradition does not mean to adore the ashes but to keep the fire alive!
DRAGOS WING TSUN® (DWT) is an advancement of the martial art “Wing Tsun” (Leung Ting-System) based on the concepts of Sifu Martin Dragos. Out of his experiences Sifu Martin Dragos developed his own system in the last seven years, which continues the strengths, compensates the weaknesses and integrates forgotten knowledge.
Through the transfer of the stridework and the WT-weapons’ conception to the unarmed WT-System it was possible to replace the lost knowledge with a consistent and coherent taxonomy, which is a central theme for the whole system. This step included didactic and fightmethodical appendages, the use of physical laws, as well as the regard kinetic-motor necessities in the handling of forces and the accomplishment of extremal values. The result is an extraordinary effective WT, which is even impressing the trade’s best. DWT is considered as the secret trend-setter for functional WT and is copied and imitated thousandfold – especially by descendants and representatives of the LT-Line.
But somebody who is only learning from publications or second hand is not having any access to the DWT-systems’s nuances and subtleties. For that it’s necessary to have a qualified teacher.
It’s impossible to describe a complex martial art with mere words, which is the reason of the following mention: only the living impression is representative. Because of that we recommend the visit of one of our weekend-workshops, where we can go into all theoretical and hands-on aspects of WT.
Here are the most important characteristics of DRAGOS WING TSUN® to give a few first clues:
• There is a 3-level-model for the simultaneous protection of torso and legs. So the technical-reactive differentiation of the relations “High/Low” is inapplicable. Compared to the so called “6-field-model” it saves 50% of the previous response time, because there is only a decision about Left/Right rather Inside/Outside necessary.
• Use of the principle of the inside- and outsidecontrol for all the fight’s distances and phases.
• There is no “general solution”, because a flexible system gets it’s energy from adjustments rather than surrender to possibilities and needs of a fighting-situation. Instead there is a distinction between offensive-, defensive- and emergency solutionconcepts. The masterplan of these three modes with their particular body action for structual support of the current function is described in the so called “DWT-Fighttaxonomy”. All the modes are connected directly in a logical combination.
• The realization of WT has a mechanical character. The functions base on elastic, but pressure and tensile strength movement elements, whereas it’s well-defined, which situations and circumstances require or develop the respective element characteristics. Knowing exactly what to do in every moment of the fight has highest priority.
• It exists a strategic 4-Step-Model in combat action according to the following basicschema:
1. Weakening/prevention of opposing first strike or anticipation access
2. Isolation or captivation
3. Breakage of the “Centerline”
4. Dynamic/”pending control” with final strike
• No second chance for the opponent: a dynamic connection is created after the first contact with use of bridgeconceptions, as a result
of this the opponent is not able to use his weapons anymore and he is permanently being controlled in the course of the fight.
• Benefit of own strengths / attention to handedness.
• No mere trust to speed or structual advantages for example like simultaneity. Instead implied protection from following attacks into the own actions.
• Energetic reflection of opposing actions to neutralize and bate the opponents offensive plans.
• Benefit of “Reborn-Power-Principle” for in- and “decrease in speed”
• Accomodating is usually a result from stridewok, which stands out due to the fact that no more decisions need to be made. Avoiding of mixing-up “softness” and “weakness”
• Procurement of the three basic kicks and the resulting eight possibilities to kick from the beginning on
• Differentiation between the three kinds of collision situations with the respective automatic reactions
• Development of the structural core capability, which makes WT a system and so it makes automatism possible. And with that the capability to reduce all the decisions to just one single thought
• Integration of the steps from the armed system to the unarmed system.
Chief Instructor:
Sifu Martin Dragos
Phone: +49 1636873596
Seminar coordinator London:
Sifu Lee Jacobs
Phone:+44 7951018187
For questions and registration please use our CONTACT FORM or simply click on one of the
green "Join NOW FOR FREE"-Buttons above.
Sincerely Your
Sifu Martin Dragos